
Opening Times

Mon8:30 - 18:00
Tues8:30 - 18:00
Wed8:30 - 18:00
Thurs8:30 - 18:00
Fri8:30 - 18:00
Sat8:30 - 16:30

Where to Find Us

225 Breck Road, Liverpool. L5 6PT

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Tel.: 0151 263 1157

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New Medicines Service

The New Medicines Service (NMS) is a free NHS service provided by our specially trained pharmacist to help support you and maximise the benefits of new medication that you have had prescribed.

The New Medicines Service is a three stage process:

  1. Initial consultation when you receive your first prescription for a new medicine.
  2. A follow up after one or two weeks to see how you are getting on and answer any questions you may have, this can either be done in person in the pharmacy or over the phone.
  3. A final consultation after another one to two weeks to ensure you are still taking your medication correctly and aren't suffering any adverse effects. Again this can be in person or over the phone.

Currently NMS can only be carried out on patients being treated for certain conditions, please ask a member of our pharmacy team if you are eligible for the New Medicines Service.